Pepsi Softball Centre

The park (pictured in the map above) includes the following:

  • 4 minor league diamonds
  • 4 timbits diamonds
  • 1 senior fast pitch diamond
  • 1 senior slo-pitch diamond
  • Common area for team warm-up
  • Service building for concessions, washrooms, team rooms, equipment storage and first aid room
  • Bleachers with press booths above and maintenance equipment storage buildings beneath
  • Electronic scoreboards and public address system
  • Children’s playground
  • Parking lot for approximately 225 cars

The major diamonds and common area are enclosed within an eight foot high, chain link fence. Vehicular access within the fence is restricted to service and maintenance vehicles. The minor league diamonds and the parking lot are situated outside the fence.

The two major diamonds are intended for use by male and female Slo-pitch and Fast pitch players. It is anticipated that on a day to day basis one diamond would be designated for Slo-pitch and the other for Fast pitch, to be shared by their respective individual leagues. However, the entire Park has been designed such that both diamonds could be used in any category of play.

The perimeter fence doubles as the outfield fence in the Slo-pitch Diamond, placed at a distance of 82 meters (269 ft.) from home plate. Similarly, the perimeter fence for the Fast pitch Diamond has been placed at 82 m; however a removable 4 ft. high chain link fence can be placed at the regulation Fast pitch distance of 72 m (236 ft.) to 77 m (253 ft.). Therefore, should Slo-pitch require use of both diamonds for a tournament they could temporarily remove the Fast pitch fence and have two regulation distance diamonds. On the other hand, Fast pitch could erect a temporary fence at their regulation distance within the Slo-pitch diamond and likewise have two regulation diamonds.

The area in the southeast corner of the Park has been termed common area. Due to the excavation necessary to level the playing fields, it remains elevated, and as such provides a desirable vantage point for viewing both diamonds. The entire area, including the slopes, is grassed and would accommodate the service building, children’s playground, and player warm-up area. In addition, sufficient room would be available for a beer garden or similar use for tournaments.

The children’s playground is thought to be a desirable feature for spectators with small children not interested in watching ball games. Picnic tables are provided allowing parents to be near their children in the playground area while watching the games.

The service building is fully serviced with power, water and sewer and houses washrooms, a first aid room, storage and team rooms. The umpire and team rooms can accommodate equipment storage and could be available for a variety of additional uses such as team or league organizational meetings, official headquarters for tournaments, etc.

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